the end.
The end of books for me always makes me step back and take a second to try and realize what the author through this book is really trying to say. I know cliché in many ways but authors have so many prejudices that they bring out through their texts and I find that most interesting. What causes someone to put this much of them on paper for something that in the minds of many is still not over? Is it the fact that slavery exists but is hidden that angers him or perhaps it is the fact the he wished he could have been a part of the spark that started the fire.
For me it is more important to find where his prejudices lie. Are they with society and the means in which are taken to inflict change or is it with religion and the hierarchal structure of the church and the beliefs of those that take part in the religion, specifically Christianity. Perhaps it is the clashing between races that perpetuates itself despite intervention.
Through his long verse and moments where the reader starts to ponder if the end is at sight he exposes the true idea that change will always occur, however it does not come freely nor overnight. This idea of inevitable change is due to the fact that there will always be the few in society looking out for the whole who will fuel the fire underneath those who can make a difference.
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